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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  July 23, 2011 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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try special k protein shakes today. good morning, america. this morning, tragedy in norway. a gunman opened fire on a youth camp. at least 84 people killed. it was a horrific scene. teens trapped on an island with a killer just hours after a bomb rocks that country's capital. was that just a diversion? we are live from norway, and we'll hear from the survivor who faced down the gunman. boiling point. it is the epic heat wave that will not quit. triple digits across the country. [ sirens ] >> the death toll is rising, and this morning the question, will the power grid buckle, and when will this thing end? plus, look at this. new video this morning of two bies traraed in a hot car. we're going to show you how these teenagers busted them out. no deal. speaker of the house john boehner walks out on talks with president obama to raise the
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country's debt limit. they were so close to a deal, but now it is a tense blame game as each side lashes out at the other. and we need a hero. a horrible bus accident on a busy highway, but remarkably few people hurt thanks in part to the heroic actions of one soldier who rushed into the fire to save people. we now know who he is, and you will not believe where he is now. >there is a lot of news in america this morning including what they're calling a heat dome, a rather colorful term, that is hovering menacingly over much of the country. 28 states under heat advisories or warnings, and then there is the big story out of washington this morning. after another dramatic b bakdown in the debt ceiling talks, the president is now demanding that
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congressional leaders come to the white house this morning as we enter the home stretch of a political showdodo during which the entire economy, which affects all of us, is essentially being held hostage. >> remember that august 2nd deadline is around the corner. a lot of finger pointer between the president and the speaker. we'll get into that. but we are going to begin overseas where we're just now beginning to understand the scope of the shocking twin attacks in norway. at least 84 people were killed at that youth camp on an island outside oslo where a gunman dressed as a police officer went on a horrific rampage. he pulled out a handgun and opened fire at everyone in sight, and for many, the only escape was the water. take a look at this video. so startling, teenagers swimming for their lives. >> just a couple of hours before this, at least two blasts tore through buildings in the capital city of oslo. such an unlikely target for terror. norway is a tiny, tiny country, the place where they hand out the nobel peace prize. this morning, we now know who is behind the attacks, a
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32-year-old norwegian man, and police say this is a case of domestic terrorism with no link to islamic terrorists. >> it's the deadliest attack on that country since world war ii. and let's get right over to abc's miguel marquez who has the very latest from utoya island outside oslo. good morning, miguel. >> reporter: bianna, the tragedy here is still unfolding. police say that several bodies are still on the island waiting for identification. divers searched the bottom of the lake all night looking for more bodies, and authorities are now even considering bringing in a submarine. the gunman, dressed as a policeman, arrived on utoyoy island where hundreds of teenagers were gathered. "he was dressed as police, and he kept trying to assure us he was trying to help us. he kept saying, come here. he had a rifle or sniper's weapon he was using to shoot at us. it was total chaos." many tried to swim to safety but the gunman armed with several weapons was able to shoot them as they swam. the shore of this once idyllic
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lake became a horrific triage area. body after body pulled from thth lake. the boats and helicopters couldn't move the dead and injured d st enough. "people were jumping out of the windows," he says "and running everywhere in all directions terrified for their lives. most people ran towards the water hiding behind stones or small hills." the shooting started about two hours after a massive bomb shattered downtown oslo. the prime minister's office was targeted. at least seven people were killed there. police have identified the shooter as a 32-year-old norwegian and christian fundndentalist. state television has identified him as anders behring breivik. online he expressed right wing and anti-muslim views. initially law enforcement worldwide suspected islamic terrorists of carrying out this attack. for people here it comes as even a bigger shockck that it w one of their own. "my childhood paradise," he
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says yesterday, "was transformed into hell." the shooter has been charged with two counts of dangerous crimes. police say the investigation is still open. they're trying to determine an exact motive and whether he was working with anyone. bianna? >> and such a horrific story. our thanks to miguel marquez for that. joining me now on the phone is adrian pracan. he was working at the camp on utoya island as the attack unfolded and was actually shot by the gunman. adrian, thank you so much for joining us this morning. what an intense day it must have been for you. can you describe what you were doing and where you were on the island when you first started hearing shots fired? >> when i started hearing shots fire, we had just finished our meeting for all the counselors of this island because there had juststeen a bomb attack in oslo which we informed the rest of the people on the island about. >> so you were just getting word of what happened at the capital, and as we mentioned, you were actually shot by the gunman. you came face to face with him. what was that moment like?
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>> to be honest, it was extremely frightening. it was a moment when you think that you may be all ready to die but still you're not. you want to keep fighting for life, so i asked him, please don't shoot me, and he turned away. >> and what was his demeanor like at that moment? >> actually it's hard to tell because i saw him several times, but the time he shot me, i didn't see him, but he was dressed like a police officer. >> dressed like a police officer, and you along with many others at the camp, we learned, actually jumped in the water and starting swimming away. you said you almost drowned just because of the weight of your clothing. >> yeah, that's correct because it was raining that day, so i had some heavy clothing on me, and i didn't have time to take it off, so i just jumped in the
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water and hoped for the best. i swam for maybe 100 meters and had to return back because i was exhausted, and that's when he first spotted me. he was aiming the gun about right at my face from a distance maybe five meters, and that's when i prayed him not to kill me, and that's when he started shooting at the people that tried to swim over to the other side. >> and so i'm assuming that there's no security, there aren't police stations, what have you, law enforcement on the island throughout the camp? >> no, this island is small. it's an island that just fits maybe a thousand people. >> and how are you feeling now having been wounded? >> i'm not very concerned about my own wound. i am actually more concerned about the people and my y iends and colleagues that i have lost.
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>> such devastating news. adrian, we appreciate your time this morning. our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your friends and everyone in norway. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> just horrific images. we're going to go now to dan who is outside in the sweltering city sidewalks with our other big story. of course, that's the heat, dan. is it hot out there? >> bianna, sleeves rolled up. i got to tell you it's early out here, and it's already incredibly hot, and this is going to be a scorcher. we're now starting our coverage of this massive heat wave that is making millions miserable across the country. we're looking at really high temperatures today. let me tell you a little bit about yesterday. here in new york we were reminded of that old '60s song "hot town, summer in the city" as we hit 104 degrees yesterday. that's two degrees short of the all-time record. baltimore topped that at 105, and it got to 103 in boston. all this causes some serious problems as we madlylyun our fans and our air conditionons. it's pushing the power grids to
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the limit. abc's t.j. winick is outside of a power station in downtown manhattan. t.j., good morning to you. >> reporter: dan, good morning. this plant distributes power where it's needed. during the workweek, that means mostly businesses, but on a scorcher like today, that will mean mostly private homes. power consumption here in the northeast across the country in the past few days has truly been off the charts. the big apple was a baked apple friday when the mercury hit 104, the hottest day the city has seen in 35 years. on this manhattan block, the heat knocked this woman off her feet and power to several buildings. >> how much money do you think you're losing today if it stays closed all day? >> up to $5,000. >> reporter: $5,000? >> yeah. >> reporter: no new yorkers are sweating out this heat wave more than utility crews working around the clock to maintain the power grid. the city broke its all-time 1:00 p.m. friday. >> this is as hot as new york
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city gets. >> reporter: when we stopped by con ed's emergency response center at 3:00 p.m., it had broken it yet again. how impressed should i be by that number? >> well, let's put it this way, we've been in this business since thomas edison started it in 1882. none of us have seen that number. >> reporter: new york was not alone yesterday. newark, new jersey, an all-time record at 108. in philadelphia, at 103 degrees gazing through the window at the famous liberty bell was better than the alternative. in the chicago area, the heat may be responsible for at least six deaths including an 18-year-old boy. he was riding his bike and running and may not have drunk enough water. outside boston, which topped out at 103, the er at framingham hospital has seen twice as many patients. >> deaths from heat is greater than death from tornadoes or hurricanes or from the cold. >> reporter: back in manhattan, armed with my infrared
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thermometer, i discovered some truly breathtaking numbers. this manhole cover, 139 degrees. this entire jungle gym right now is empty. no kids. not a big surprise when you consider the slide here is 120 degrees. >> it's been horrible. i can't stand this weather. i'd like to move to the arctic. this is impossible. >> reporter: and doctors warn in these extreme conditions our bodies even at rest can lose a quart of fluid an hour, so they remind us to dress in light clothing. don't go outside unless you have to, and, of course, drink plenty of water. dan. >> good reminder, t.j. thank you. now let's go to somebody who knows a little something about existing in temperatures above 100 degrees. amber sullins, who is the meteorologist from abc 15. our affiliate in phoenix, arizona. >> thank you. >> you got here last night, and
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i understand you have been tracking temperatures every step of the way. >> it's hot, of course, talking about the humidity but at least usually when we get these heat waves, we cool down overnight. at's not the case this time. as the sun began to set, the heat wasn't going anywhere. it's now 7:00. i've made it to times square. let's see how hot it is out here. 108 degrees right now. it is now 9:00, the sun's been down for a good half an hour, and it is still clearly like 110 degrees out here. all of the heat of the day being stored in the concrete. 4:30 in the morning, the sun has been down for about 8 hours now, and it is still feeling like 89 degrees out here. all right. so, yeah, the heat was on. you could see just how hot it was by the makeup melting off my face. let's talk a little bit about those temperatures and where they're going to stand today and where they stand right now. first of all, we're looking at the heat index this morning. we're going to see places like richmond and raleigh feel like the mid-80s. and d.c., philly, new york,
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upper 80s to low 90s. that's just in the morning. forget about the afternoon. those temperatures are really going to soar. here's a look at highs in the heat zone. actual temperatures, 100 plus, of course, feeling more like 115 plus with records to be set again today in d.c., new york and philly. now, we are going to be tracking a series of cool fronts that will drop temperatures, so for nyc, 100 degrees, possibly a record today. we're down to about 80 though by the time we kick off next week so there is some good news. >> i like that. some good news. >> yeah. >> by the way, you still look great with melted makeup no matter what. >> thank you. >> thank you, amber. one more note on the heat. we've all seen these terrible stories about young children trapped in cars during a heat wave. now, an extraordinary piece of video has just surfaced. this is from last summer in washington state, but it is a powerful reminder of the dangers we're facing right now. it started with a group of teenagers out filming themselves skateboarding when suddenly -- >> can i use your skateboard? i have to broke the window. my kids are inside.
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>> reporter: -- a mother had accidentally locked her babies in the car. the kids went into action immediately trying to bust through the window. >> please. >> watch out. >> reporter: it took several hits. >> hurry up. do it, man! >> reporter: when the boards didn't work, they found a tool that would definitely do the trick. >> yes. >> reporter: finally busting through, the mother immediately rushed in for her babies. both were healthy and fine. incredible story, and we're happy that it had a happy ending. we'll have much more on the heat later in the show because amber is going to stay outside here in now back to bianna who's got the latest on those broke down debeb ceiling negotiations. >> that is right. it's hot outside, and it's hot in washington right now where a huge setback last night. the debt deal talks collapsed again. the so-called grand bargain now
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seems to be off the table, and both sides are exchanging strong words, and president obama has called congressional leaders to the white house this morning to try to restart the talks. david kerley is there for r this morning with more, and, david, it sounds as if the breaking point came down to an additional $400 billion in revenue that the administration was pushing for. >> reporter: taxes. in fact, the speaker said the president was demanding to raise taxes. all those leaders will be back here in just a couple of hours to start talking again, and they will run into a president who said the american public is fed up, and from his angry tone, you could tell the president seemed to be fed up. >> i just got a call from speaker boehner who indicated that he was going to be walking away from the negotiations that we've been engaged in. >> reporter: yes, there was anger in the president's voice as he railed at the failure to put together a d dl with the speaker, john boehner, to cut the debt by more than $3 trillion. the president suggested he's dealing with a runaway bride. >> i've been left at the altar now a couple of times. i think that, you know, one of the questions that the republican party is going to
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have to ask itself is, can they say yes to anything? >> reporter: the white house says it was very close to a deal just two days ago. the two sides had agreed on a trillion dollars in cuts to general government spending, $650 billion in cuts to entitlements, medicare, medicaid and social security, which democrats were screaming about. and the two sides also agreed to tax reform, which would mean another $800 billion in revenues. >> this was an extraordinarily fair deal. if it was unbalanced, it was unbalanced in the direction of not enough revenue. >> reporter: and that may have been the problem. earlier in the week, a bipartisan group of senators suggested even more revenues could be raised, and suddenly according to republicans, the president wanted more, $400 billion more. >> the white house moved the goalpost. there was an agreement on some additional revenues until yesterday when the president
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demanded $400 billion more, which was going to be nothing more than a tax increase on the american people. >> reporter: there was theater too. the president complaining that the speaker wouldn't return his calls. >> we have run out of time, and they are going to have to explain to me how it is that we are going to avoid default. >> reporter: of course, there's been another plan in the works in the senate, a smaller plan to give the president the approval to raise the debt ceiling on his own. now, it sounds like the big deal is off, but the president says he's still open to do it. he didn't walk away, he says, boehner did, so he's willing to continue to talk about that deal. with time running out, though, bianna, i think they'll talk much smaller. >> no doubt that will be a tense meeting. david, thank you for following all the developments for us. now for a check at the morning's other top headlines we turn to ron claiborne. >> dan, nice and cool in here. compared to outside. good morning, everyone. nearly 4,000 workers at the federal aviation administration are facing furlough as part of a partial shutdown. the agency's funding ran out at
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midnight after lawmakers failed to pass a measure reauthorizing it. the obama administration says the shutdown will not affect air safety. passengers may be able to catch a break because airlines won't be able to raise certain taxes. a cleveland man is facing the death penalty after being convicted of killing 11 women. 51-year-old ex-marine anthony sowell was found guilty on friday. the bodies of the women were found buried in his home and backyard two years ago. and encouraging signs of recovery from the san francisco giants fan who was beaten nearly to death outside dodgers stadium in los angeles earlier this season. the family of bryan stow says he opened his eyes, tried to give a thumbs up and even mouthed his last name on friday. this comes as l.a. police announced the arrest of two suspects in the brutal beating. the men are being held on $500,000 bail each. and finally, if you're tired of all this heat, dan, how about some snow? parts of chile were buried under several feet of snow. in some places it's piled higher than five -- seven feet. the government has declared a catastrophe in several cities,
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and one official called it a white earthquake. looks mighty appealing right now, though. >> it dis. makes you nostalgic for february. >> winter wonderland. >> remember how bad winter was. don't forget. >> it's easy to forget. ron, thank you. let's go back out to amber sullins. >> you left her outside? >> i left her outside. i did. >> unbelievable. >> it's cruel and unusual. amber, what do you got for us? >> well, we were talking about that heat before. we also have this to track. some severe storms that rolled through chicago. more than a half a foot of rain fell in just two hours overnight. take a look at this video. again, a live look actually of those stormy skies out there. severe storms in the forecast from the midwest to the northeast. gusty winds, large hail, maybe even isolated tornadoes.
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>> more on the heat wave still to come. bianna? >> all right, amber. ooh. she's got long sleeves on, as well. i feel for her. >> i feel a little guilty for leaving her outside. >> no, you left her outside. >> coming up, the latest disaster for the schwarzenegger family. what happened to their youngest son while he was out boogie boarding? you are going to hear maria shriver's 911 call coming up. also, life-saving soldier. the hero army sergeant on leave who rescued victims of a burning bus after it was hit by a tractor trailer on the highway. and meet the lady with 700 cats. >> what? >> i didn't say 7. 700 cats. she says she is not crazy. what she does,s,owever, is crazy. crazy generous perhaps. we're going to show you the sanctuary she has built. >> wow.
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sanctuary she has built. >> wow. music(lyrics): ♪ whatever i have i'll share it. i'd love to give it to you. i can surely make do with less than two.♪ vo: bk minis are easy to share, ♪ and that's how sharing works.♪ vo: but that doesn't mean they're easy to share. ♪and that's how sharing works. get yours at burger king, before someone else does. they're itchy, dry and uncomfortable. i can't wait to take 'em out,
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comingp coming up on "good morning america," arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver's 13-year-old son critically injured during a surfing accident. we'll have his mom's 911 call. and is it crazy to have 700
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♪ ♪ this woman takes the cake. we've heard the term crazy cat lady. we'll introduce e u to a woman in california who has 700 cats. she says she is completely sane. she actually has a very good reason for having so many cats. >> she does. i have to say it looks kind of -- it looks a little fun. >> anything is fun with that music in the background. >> i'm a little worried about the odor issues. >> and this is coming from man, dan, who loves cats. 700 takes the cake. >> it's a lot. >> good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. >> and i'm dan harris. this is saturday, july 23rd. also coming up this morning, the soldier they're calling a hero, not for what he did on the battlefield but for what he did right here when he witnessed a horrific bus crash on a highway in new york state. he disappeared without giving anybody his name after he did his heroic deeds, but we now
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know who he is and where he is, which might surprise you. >> there could have been a lot more fatalities had it not been for him stepping in. also more drama for a family that really doesn't need any right now. >> yeah, he's awake and breathing. he can't move. he's having trouble breathing. >> that is maria shriver's call to 911 after her and arnold schwarzenegger's 13-year-old son was badly injured in a surfing accident in malibu. we'll tell you how he and his family are doing right now. >> as we said, a family that does not need more problems at this point. we're going to start, however, this half hour with that horrific for attack in such an unusual place, the sleepy little european country of norway. the death toll has gone up significantly. we now know that the gunman killed literally scores of young people at this summer camp after allegedly setting off bombs in the capital city. police now say at least 91 people have been killed. our abc's miguel marquez is on the story this morning. miguel?
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>> reporter: good morning, dan. this is the idyllic scene that has turned into an absolute nightmare. that gunman, a 32-year-old, is still in police custody. he got on to that island, witnesses say, dressed as a policeman. they believed him. many of those teenagers ran toward him as he shot them dead. others tried to esespe by swimming off the island, and he was able to literally pick them off in the water, just a horrific, horrific scene here. police now say that divers have searched the bottom of that lake all night long, and at this point they are even considering bringing in a submarine to look for more victims. dan? >> all right, miguel. thank you for your reporting on what is truly a horrific story. and one that continues to develop. let's go to ron claiborne once again with a look at the morning's other headlines. ron, good morning. >> and good morning to you again, dan, bianna. good morning, everyone. in the news, it will be another oppressively hot day for tens of millions of americans. most of the east coast will bake under triple-digit temperatures again. some scattered blackouts
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reported. we will have today's forecast in a moment. and a gasoline tanker truck crashed and exploded in flames near boston early this morning. the driver was killed. four other people were injured, and three nearby buildings were set on fire. and the pro football players union is meeting through the weekend to consider the team owners' proposed labor settlement. if players in the players association feel they've resolved the remaining issues, the players could vote as soon as today or tomorrow. finally there is a new addition at zoo atlanta. you like this one. huh? this baby giraffe was born friday morning. it -- because it doesn't have a name -- we'll call it "it." maybe it's called it, stands around six foot tall and weighs, as i was saying, about 150 pounds. >> healthy baby. >> baby giraffes are able to walk within two hours of birth. >> cute. >> six feet tall, 150 pounds at birth. time for the weather and amber sullins from our affiliate, abc 15 in phoenix. amber? >> good morning. well, we have 28 states under some kind of a heat advisory again today. let's take a look. from texas and the plains up to
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the midwest and over to the east, here's a look at today's heat indices. in that heat zone we are looking at mid-90s to low triple digits for the most part, d.c., about 103 this morning. take a look at where it'll end up this afternoon. feeling like 114 in d.c., 115 in dallas and louisville. over to the west coast, things look gorgeous, but more monsoon storms in the mix for the southwest, and there's a look at your saturday outlook. again, the heat is going to be the big story. >> and the heat is going to break over the next couple of days. new york back in the 80s by monday. bianna. >> that's good to hear, amber, thank you. well, maria shriver and
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arnold schwarzenegger have certainly had more than their fair share of drama lately. now, there is more to deal with. now their 13-year-old son christopher was seriously injured in a surfing incident and in the hospital in intensive care. abc's david wright has the story. >> los angeles county fire department. >> reporter: maria shriver made the 911 call herself last sunday from her malibu beach house. >> it's like a boogie board accident i think. he can't move off the beach. maybe like broken ribs or something like that. >> can you see it from your house? >> yeah, it's my son. >> how old is your son? >> 13. >> reporter: christopher schwarzenegger apparently suffered multiple broken bones and a collapsed lung. >> as far as you know, is he awake and breathing? >> yeah, he's awake and breathing he can't move. he's having trouble breathing. >> reporter: the boy was taken to ucla medical center where tmz spotted his famous father coming for a visit, a moment of crisis trumping marital differences. >> maria is basically sleeping at the hospital as you might if your child was in this serious
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an accident. she's been there round the clock. arnold has been there too. >> reporter: schwarzenegger and shriver issued a joint statement, "while it's been a tough week, christopher is surrounded by his family and friends" they said. "he's a brave boy and is expected to make a full recovery." >> the two of them are united in everything having to do with their children. >> reporter: bad timing then that schwarzenegger's lawyers should choose this of all weeks to file his response to shriver's divorce papers asking the court to deny shriver spousal support and indicating she'll have to pay her own attorneys' fees. >> oh, this is all par for the course. it's really his lawyer either posturing or simply trying to protect his rights. >> reporter: maybe so, but for shriver it must have made this a very tough week. david wright, abc news, los angeles. >ou're reminded what a dangerous sport that is too. >> right. a tough week for her on top of a tough year. now to the story of a soldier who showed true valor, not in a war zone, but in a
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domestic disaster zone. a fiery bus crash on a highway in new york state. >> he ran onto a burning bus and helped pull several people to safety. then he disappeared before anyone could get his name. but we tracked him down, and abc's dan kloeffler has the story. >> reporter: the scene was terrifying. this cell phone video taken just moments after a tractor trailer crashed into a canadian tour bus heading for new york city. >> it was burning. there was a couple of explosions and everything, about four or five explosions. so it was something. >> i'll be honest, it was overwhelming. my first -- obviously my concern was getting the help there. >> reporter: as passengers tried to escape, a hero to the rescue, 28-year-old sergeant jacob perkins driving just behind the accident pulled over and rushed into the burning bus pulling people out. >> i just went on the bus to make sure that everybody had gotten off and helped a couple people off and pushed back as far as i could until it just got too hot, and i had to get out. >> reporter: after helping first
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responders get control of the chaos, sergeant perkins selflessly drove two victims to a nearby hospital to meet a family member. there was miraculously only one fatality, the driver from the tractor trailer, and 2 seriously injured out of the 52 passengers on board. >> i'm very surprised that there weren't more fatalities on that bus and there weren't more seriously hurt than the two. >> reporter: modestly avoiding the media spotlight, sergeant perkins continued driving with a singular focus, to make it home to missouri in time for his daughter's birthday. >> it's just go home and see my family. >> reporter: for "good morning america," dan kloeffler, abc news. >> a hero and a wonderful father at that. we tried to reach out and have him on as a live guest. his daughter takes precedence. we agree with him. sergeant, our hats off to you. and coming up on "good morning america," the ultimate cat lady. we'll introduce you to a woman who has given shelter to hundreds, like 700, stray cats. and amber sullins from our phoenix affiliate is out on the sweltering sidewalks of new york city, and i understand she has
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three words for us. there they are, let me in. that is our way of telling you that "your week in three words" segment is coming up. amber, you look very pouty. we'll see you in a minute. >> ah. we'll see you in a minute. >> ah. see you in a minute. >> ah. [ female announcer ] what if your natural beauty could be flawless too? discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers.
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[ female announcer ] never let the sun catch you off guard. moisturize with eucerin everday protection spf 15. it moisturizes and protects your skin from uva and uvb rays. everyday protection, only from eucerin.
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♪ well, is she crazy, a crazy cat lady or a woman of extraordinary generosity? in the 19 years since lynea lattanzio began dedicating her life to saving unwanted cats, she has rescued and found homes for more than 18,000 felines and though she can't find a home for them, she keeps them herself. 700 cats at last count. >> when i was a little girl, all i ever wanted was a kitten, and my mom wouldn't let me have one. i bet she's sorry now. >> reporter: lynea lattanzio eventually got her kitten and a whole lot more. >> i've got captain hook, cisco, scooter, crystal, j.j., ozzie and harriet, ringo, big roger, little roger, terry anne, pony,
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big mickey, little mickey, gray, zany. he's a little slow. jeanie, ginger, spice, cookie, daphne, candy and tucker. i have 700 cats. >> reporter: welcome to the cat house where in every corner, under every bush, in every tree, in every room, there are cats and cats and more cats. >> if i were a cat, this is where i'd be. >> reporter: lynea has turned her home into an enormous 12,000-acre no kill cat sanctuary. a not for profit organization that takes in the cats that no one else wants. >> when you see a box out here in the morning, you know darned well no good can come of this. what have we got here? oh, look at you. >> reporter: it is an enormous operation. just to feed the cats alone -- >> feeding time. >> reporter: -- requires massive resources. >> hi, guys. just help yourself. who needs me?
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>> reporter: a staff of 25. >> i need you to feed them. >> okay. >> reporter: a thousand pounds of dry kibble a week and a yearly food budget that tops $200,000, and it is a tough life but the life lynea chose. she was once a beauty queen, once married to a millionaire. they had a giant home, a ferrari. >> and i was never more miserable. >> reporter: they divorced, and she focused her energy on her true passion. that year alone she rescued 96 cats and found homes for all 96. the following year she rescued even more but ended up with 35 that she couldn't place. so she kept them. her mercedes-benz, she sold it to buy kennels. her two-carat diamond ring, that paid for the fences, and her five-bedroom home, she gave it up to the cats. her family thought she was crazy. >> anyone that would give that home over to the cats has to be a crazy cat lady. . >> reporter: lynea disagrees. >> i'm not crazy. what i do is crazy.
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>> reporter: what she does is save lives. in nearby fresno, california, shelters are forced to kill nearly 200 cats a day. she and her team try to take in as many as they can. they take the ones that they believe they can find homes for. >> oh. >> reporter: and then they also take the ones they just can't bear to let go. >> now, these are awfully pretty. my goodness. look at this pretty face. >> reporter: in the one week that nat geo followed lynea, she and her team performed emergency cpr on a tiny, severely malnourished kitten. >> well, we'll name him tyson because she's a fighting. >> reporter: took in an aging cat with a giant tumor. >> we'll do our best. we'll give him a fighting chance. >> i appreciate it. >> reporter: and on this trip to the shelter took home 15 animals. she only had the budget to take in six. >> i envision the day when i have fewer cats than what i have right now, for them to go down instead of up. >> reporter: for lynea the goal is not more cats in her home, it's more cats with real homes.
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>> if every one of these guys could get a home of their own, i would be happy. >> pretty amazing. and for you dog lovers, i should add that lynea has also saved 5,000 dogs. "the lady with 700 cats" airs next saturday, july 30th on nat geo wild. what do you think, bianna? >> i have to say goooofor her. good for her. good for her. she's saved an extraordinary number of lives. >> probably not so good for the neighbors. >> may be a little crazy. >> but, you know -- >> she has a fence. she's got a fence. >> that's true. >> that's a lot of cats in there, dan. >> good for her. coming up on "good morning america," "your week in three words." ♪ dreaming in a cowboy song ♪ dreaming in a cowboy song hil. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed.
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look who's back. amber. out of the heat. >> welcome back. >> had to dry off a little bit when i came in. but i'm good to go. >> just in time for one of our favorite segments. it's "your week in three words." and this week the song is "bound for glory" by the tedeschi trucks band. enjoy. ♪ ♪ tell your story put the night back in your veins bound for glory i ain't coming to again ♪ >> okay, now kiss. ♪ the sun comes struggling on yesterday's dead and gone ♪ ♪ and i feel i'm bound for glory ♪
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♪ oh glory ♪ can you feel it bound for glory ♪ ♪ can you feel it glory bound ♪ can you feel it bound foror glory ♪ ♪ the sun comes struggling on yesterday's dead and gone ♪ ♪ and i feel i'm bound for glory dreaming in a cowboy song ♪ ♪ i feel i'm bound for glory glory ♪ ♪ can you feel it bound for glory ♪
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♪ can you feel it glory bound ♪ can you feel it bound for glory ♪ ♪ oh glory ♪ glory can you feel it bound for glory ♪ >> i have a guess that the people who are holding up the "we love summer" signs, before the heat wave. >> before that heat. did that song win the ron approval? >> yeah. >> that's a high bar. >> if you'd like to appear "in your three words," go to and upload your video there. >> we'll be right back. your three words," go to and uplied your video. >> we'll be right back. >> we'll be right back. >> we'll be right back. even though he doesn't know he's my boyfriend. yet. [ male announcer ] powered by the 2nd gen intel core processor family.
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and tomorrow amber will be reporting live from a sauna. thanks for watching. >> i already did. >> thanks for watching abc news and we're always online. david muir back with "world news" tonight. good morning, let's begin with the forecast. here is lisa. >> good morning everyone. here is a look outside. we have the low clouds and fog and delays of hour and 19 minutes. coastal drizzle, 61 in redwood
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city with more 50s around the bay. west wind blowing at 23 miles an hour allowing for the cooler air to filter in the east bay valleys. we'll be looking at temperatures coming down a few more degrees. it's all because of this area of low pressure. here is another area that will begin to affect our weather by the early part of the week. we are looking at cooling from 2-4 degrees and keep the heat on in the central valley. 99 in fresno. 96 in sacramento and san francisco will be in in between 60s at the coast and mid-80s inland. highs in the low 80s for concord today. that will stick around throughout the weekend. we'll see minor ups and downs with the temperatures and it won't be until the middle of the work week that we will see
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temperatures to recover and numbers in the low 90s and 980's around the bay. in the meantime, late day clearing in the city today. >> coming up next at 8:00 a home-grown terrorist strikes in norway, dozens of dead. heroism at home, bravery in the face of a devastating fire in a retirement community.3q we love the sun ! i love this slide ! i love knowing coppertone protects across 100% of the uva/uvb spectrum. i trust it. and pediatricians recommend it most. i love this nose. coppertone. embrace the sun.
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